The challenge was to facilitate the journey to carry out the company´s new vision by preparing users for the introduction of the new ways of working, reducing resistance and influencing employee´s attitudes towards the desired future state.

Our portfolio includes projects on the following industries:

  • Construction
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Consumer goods
  • Healthacare
  • Telecom / IT


Any M&A process means  big changes in terms of implementing  new culture, processes, roles and structure. In this project, we developed a change management strategy that allowed people to embrace the new culture. Using  impact analysis was fundamental to identify the roadblocks and then define actions to mitigate the identified issues and to boost adoption.

Our portfolio includes projects on the following industries:

  • Financial services (transforming a state-run company into a private international business)
  • Engineering


A change management strategy is fundamental for a successful project. Implementing a Shared Services Center is a huge transformation, as it requires major changes in the organizational design, developing new capabilities and a reappraisal of values, beliefs and attitudes. The biggest challenge of this project was to develop a service-mentality on employees which is a deeper immersion into digital transformation.

Our portfolio includes projects on the following industries:

  • Telecom
  • Food and beverage
  • Paintings and coatings
  • Construction


BPM (Business Process Management)

Organizational Structure redesign

HR Strategy planning